Purchasing&Shopping Online in China
China is the world factory. you can find everything here by discount price. many Chinese websites provide online shopping like alibaba. Its visitors are even more than Ebay! here are some usefull website for you to purchase Chinese products online.
www.globalsources.com --- The B2B platform online, for business discussing, we are a member there, our link: http://reachelectric.manufacturer.globalsources.com/si/6008842849211/Homepage.htm or you can search by our name: Ningbo Reach Electric Power Equipments CO., LTD.
www.aliexpress.com ----retail or wholesale, thousands and hundreds Chinese suppliers at your service. HOT
www.onccc.com ----Yiwu, the international commodity center online. HOT
www.alibaba.com ----for business discussing, the b2b platform
www.made-in-china.com ----for business discussing, the b2b platform
www.hisupplier.com ----for business discussing, the b2b platform
www.taobao.com --the biggest shopping online website in China, but the language is in Chinese. if you wanna buy sth, you can tell me, I can help you.
Contact: Ms. Lisa Xiang (Director) Email:lisa.haichung@hotmail.com sales@reach-power.com Whatsapp:+8613968382831 Add:Xiangshan Ningbo, Zhejiang China.